Logical Fallacies
Logical Fallacies / Argumentum Ad Populum
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Argumentum ad Populum


Also known as 'appealing to the people', this fallacy presumes that a proposition must be true because most/many believe it to be true.

Example of Argumentum ad Populum

  • Extended warranties are a very popular purchase by the consumer, so extended warranties must be good for the consumer. The fact that something is popular has no bearing on whether it is beneficial.
  • Everyone drives over the speed limit, so it should not be against the law. Just because a lot of people do something, it does not make it the right thing to do.

Books About Logical Fallacies

A few books to help you get a real handle on logical fallacies.

Understanding Logical Fallacies Buy On Amazon Logically Fallacious Buy On Amazon The Fallacy Detective Buy On Amazon The Art of the Argument Buy On Amazon Mastering Logical Fallacies Buy On Amazon The above book links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may get a commission from the sale.

Argumentum ad PopulumExtended Explanation

The Argumentum ad Populum (Latin for "argument to the people") fallacy is a logical fallacy in which it is assumed that a statement is true because a large number of people accept it as true. That is, if many people believe something to be true, then it must be true. This type of reasoning is often used to persuade people to accept a particular point of view without any real evidence to support it. It is a form of the Appeal to Authority fallacy, in which an authority figure is used to influence people’s opinions.

The Argumentum ad Populum fallacy is a type of informal fallacy that is commonly used in everyday discourse. It is used to convince people to accept a certain point of view without any evidence to back it up. The fallacy is often used in debates, political speeches, and advertising campaigns. It is particularly effective in situations where there is a lack of evidence to support a certain claim.

The Argumentum ad Populum fallacy is fallacious because it relies on the assumption that a majority opinion is always correct. This is not necessarily true, as a majority opinion can be wrong. Additionally, the fallacy assumes that if a large number of people accept a certain view, then it must be correct. This is also not necessarily true, as a large number of people can be wrong.

The Argumentum ad Populum fallacy is a persuasive tactic, but it is an unreliable one. It does not provide any evidence to support its claims and relies solely on the opinion of the masses. This can be misleading and can lead to faulty reasoning. To avoid the Argumentum ad Populum fallacy, it is important to look for evidence to support any claims that are made. Additionally, it is important to consider alternative perspectives and evaluate them objectively.